Legal System Support
Turningpoint serves women, children, and men in varying domestic and sexual violence situations. Turningpoint staff are committed to serving all victims and preparing them for the courtroom. If you or someone you know needs support navigating the legal system, contact Turningpoint at 715-425-6751 for assistance.
Turningpoint offers legal system support to victims of violence. Services include:
- Restraining Orders: A legal advocate can provide a basic overview of the steps to file a petition for a Temporary Restraining Order/Injunction. This includes offering assistance with filling out forms, writing a victim impact statement, preparing you for court, and attending court hearings.
- Free Legal Clinic: Volunteer attorneys provide answers to legal questions by appointment. Legal clinic participants cannot currently be represented by an attorney. For further information about Legal Clinic, contact Serenity Holbrook at serenityh@turningpoint-wi.org.
- Courtroom Support: A legal advocate can explain the legal process and what to expect at court proceedings. A legal advocate can act as your service representative during injunction hearings, as well as serve as a barrier between you and the responding party.
- Crime Victim Compensation: A legal advocate can offer information and application assistance for Wisconsin’s program to assist innocent victims with certain crime related expenses.
- Attorneys: A legal advocate can provide a list of attorneys in the St. Croix Valley area. A legal advocate can also give times and locations of various county-based legal clinics in the area.
- Judicare: Judicare is Wisconsin’s income-based legal assistance program, which can provide legal representation for eligible residents. Applications for Judicare are available here or from a legal advocate.
- Family Court (Divorce): A legal advocate can explain the basic process of divorce and provide free access to a printer, copier, and FAX machine for divorce forms.
Turningpoint legal advocates are not attorneys and therefore cannot offer any legal advice or representation.
For further information about Turningpoint's legal advocacy services, contact us at 715-425-6751, or via text at 715-821-8626.